How To Build Your Personal Brand

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In the business world, few things are more important than the building of your personal brand. The brand that you create dictates the way that you appear to the world. Those who establish a strong personal brand tend to find it much easier to maintain the interest of their clients over the long haul.

So how can one build their personal brand? By following these five very simple steps, of course.


Be Yourself

Like most pieces of cliché advice, being yourself never goes out of style. If you are trying to build your brand around a version of yourself that is inauthentic, it will show. While some businesses try to shape a personal brand based on a false version of themselves, this is a tough facade to maintain over the long haul and once it is cracked, the business is left reeling. People simply do not maintain a long term connection with people or entities that don’t appear to be real.


Speak To Your Audience

Current and prospective clients both want to get to know you on a more personal level. One of the best ways to facilitate a closer connection and build your personal brand is to seek out speaking engagements. When you speak at these engagements, it is important to discuss topics that you are familiar with and to speak from a place of knowledge. If you do not know what you’re talking about, this is the type of damage a personal brand never recovers from.


Don’t Shy Away From The Press

While some look at interviews as a nuisance, they should be considered a blessing. A well done interview goes a long way towards establishing your level of credibility and without credibility, it is almost impossible to build a personal brand. Take the time to build connections with media outlets that can help you to get your name, face and thoughts out into the universe.


Establish an Online Presence

Now that the vast majority of modern society has a smartphone and a social media presence of some kind, they expect to find the companies and entrepreneurs that they do business with on social media, as well. A well thought out Twitter feed, in conjunction with a Facebook page, establishes you as someone who is willing to accept feedback and remain in contact with your client base.


Remain On The Cutting Edge

It is hard to make it in the business world, but it is twice as hard to maintain any standing that you gain. Those who are not willing to remain on the cutting edge and still be a student of their chosen field will struggle to hold onto their audience/market share. Be sure to keep your finger on the pulse and always remain relevant.


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